With Young Valley Soil:
Hard to Swallow
Collective lecture performance

It starts with a queasy feeling. I see something I don’t have; a place I’m not in; an appearance that isn’t mine. I want it, I need it, envy gnaws at my stomach. I suppress it, don’t let it in, cover it with politeness. It builds up, resentment builds and gnaws at me. How am I supposed to digest all of this?

In the work “Hard to Swallow,” the Young Valley Soil-Collective invited guests to a performative lunch where they dedicated themselves to the manifestations of envy. The work consists of an audio piece for the journey to the performance, three on-site lecture performances, and a four-course menu - each course addressing different stages of envy: bitterness, envy, resentment, and digestion.

M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung Hohenlockstedt (Photos: Marie-Theres Böhmker)